Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not Dead Yet

Posting is light now because we're right in the midst of finals - like the swallows returning to Capistrano, that's the way the cookie crumbles, life in the Big City, etc etc. However, instead of just putting up a placeholder post, I would like to point out for people who might not have seen the link on the sideboard that I do have a Tumblr now that updates regularly - twice a day like clockwork. So much easier to put up a few pictures than write an essay! I can usually knock out a whole week's worth of posts in an hour on Sunday afternoon, so it's nice to have a less intensive way of keeping up a regular presence on these here interwebs.

It's not all just cat pictures and YouTube videos, however - I am periodically posting comics reviews on there. Nothing as involved as any of my regular "SIR" posts (that's "Stuff I Read," in case you've been wondering), but pages from recent mainstream releases and a few words here and there.

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